Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not much to talk about ..... Or is there?????

Well seeing as I am still not receiving my 3ds until Thursday there really is not much for me to talk about. So I think I have to at least give a review of a game I already own, but for the original DS. So here goes nothing as my first review goes underway.

Pokemon White:

Many of you know about the Pokemon series, and well I am not surprised. It has been around since 1999 in the US I believe and created 5 generations of games. Originally there was 151 Pokemon, or 150 for you people who think mew does not count because it is impossible to catch without cheating or glitching. I digress but some of their games had kind of bad story lines..... Except for this one.

The Story:
Now Pokemon games are not really renowned for their story lines, and really who cares about it because they are making games for like 10 year olds and stuff.... Right? Wrong, they have a really loyal fan base of older players that have been playing from the Red and Blue days, which I for one can say I loved. The story line starts off like every other Pokemon game you wake up, upstairs. Once you go down stairs, there is your mom and she talks to you. Lets fast forward a bit, Ok so you learn you have two friends in this game instead of the usual one. Again Fast Forwarding, Once you get to the first town I believe there is a man named Ghetsis and he is talking about freeing Pokemon from humans. You soon meet N the person who is supposed to free up all the Pokemon. That is basically all I am going to do for the story so I don't give too much away.

The Gameplay:
If you have ever played a Pokemon game then you understand how the game works, You get one Pokemon to start off with, its either a Fire, Water, or Grass type Pokemon. There are a few new Gameplay mechanics, such as the Triple Battle and the Rotation Battle, and they are basically exactly what they sound like. The Triple Battle is where you send out three Pokemon and the Enemy sends out three Pokemon. The Rotation Battle is where you send out three Pokemon and only one can fight at a time, then you rotate to your advantage.  Then there is 149 (not so sure on that number) new Pokemon, bringing the grand total to 649 Pokemon (again not so sure). Now with having this many Pokemon its very difficult to Catch 'em all.

The Graphics:
This game probably has the best graphics of any in the series, though that obviously comes from the fact that it is the newest game. The Pokemon during the fight scenes are FINALLY animated. The game graphics didn't change much except for the fact that it is in a pseudo-3d I guess would be the word, because the sprites are in 2d but much of the world is in 3d.

I will say that this game did keep to its roots except for the new graphics and a sort of different story line. I did love the story line because it was different for a Pokemon game.

Graphics : 8.6 out of 10
Story: 9.5 out of 10
Gameplay: 9.2 out of 10
Overall: 9.1 out of 10

If you want more reviews, Follow and check back every day for a new post.


  1. I'd have to agree completely, but you forgot to mention the Entralink and the Xtransciever. Probably the coolest of all the new features.

  2. To be perfectly honest, I haven't enjoyed a pokemon game since Silver/Crystal/Gold. Of course I also enjoyed the remakes of silver and gold too!

  3. So... Pokemon, isnt that abit old ;D ?

  4. Nah man, like I said it has a loyal fan base to the games

  5. I honestly think that gold/silver was the best.
    i never did get all the other generations of pokemon, it was hard enough to get used to the new 152-251 pokemons(not so new now, eh?)

  6. Blue all the way. MISSINGNO. shall never be forgotten.

  7. I've liked all of the games. I bought black though.

  8. Greatest game for game boy advance & nintendo ds :D i loved it
